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[01-01 23:24:15]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  初二英语   阅读:8206

概要:1.介词+动名词: in doing so, to my saying that2.介词+连接副词/连接代词/what从句:over what he had better do3.介词+名词:at the door, into the bag4.介词+代词: for me, of others5.介词+连接副词/连接代词+不定式:on how to do this其他类型的介词短语6.介词+介词短语:from across the street, until after dinner7.介词+副词:from below8.介词+复合结构:with the light on9.介词+不定式(but/except):…did nothing but sleep介词 -- 连接词与词纽带英语经常用介词来表示词与词之间的关系


1.介词+动名词: in doing so, to my saying that

2.介词+连接副词/连接代词/what从句:over what he had better do

3.介词+名词:at the door, into the bag

4.介词+代词: for me, of others

5.介词+连接副词/连接代词+不定式:on how to do this


6.介词+介词短语:from across the street, until after dinner

7.介词+副词:from below

8.介词+复合结构:with the light on

9.介词+不定式(but/except):…did nothing but sleep介词 -- 连接词与词纽带


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