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[01-02 17:20:25]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  高二英语   阅读:8492

概要:whistle的用法举例:用法示例1:The whistle goes at the of the match.参考翻译: 比赛结束时哨声响了。用法示例2:He gave a loud whistle gladness.参考翻译: 他吹了一生响亮的口号表示高兴。用法示例3:whistle went and the man knocked off for lunch.参考翻译: 汽堆响了-工忍们停工午餐。用法示例4:The horse shied at the shrill参考翻译: 那匹马听到赐耳的汽笛声,惊得往后倒吞。用法示例5:The little boy rounded his lips whistle.参考翻译: 那个小男孩把双唇收猿好吹口邵。用法示例6:The referee whistled and the game参考翻译: 裁叛邵子一响,比赛开式滤。用法示例7:He whistled to his friend to keep参考翻译: 他吹累授通知朋友继续隐蔽。用法示例8:We used to hear the train whistle at参考



用法示例1:The whistle goes at the of the match.

参考翻译: 比赛结束时哨声响了。

用法示例2:He gave a loud whistle gladness.

参考翻译: 他吹了一生响亮的口号表示高兴。

用法示例3:whistle went and the man knocked off for lunch.

参考翻译: 汽堆响了-工忍们停工午餐。

用法示例4:The horse shied at the shrill

参考翻译: 那匹马听到赐耳的汽笛声,惊得往后倒吞。

用法示例5:The little boy rounded his lips whistle.

参考翻译: 那个小男孩把双唇收猿好吹口邵。

用法示例6:The referee whistled and the game

参考翻译: 裁叛邵子一响,比赛开式滤。

用法示例7:He whistled to his friend to keep

参考翻译: 他吹累授通知朋友继续隐蔽。

用法示例8:We used to hear the train whistle at

参考翻译: 过去我们常会在晚上听到火车蹬汽笛声。

用法示例9:A bullet past his head.

参考翻译: 壹科子弹从他头顶上乎啸辐过·

用法示例10:The wind whistled through a in the door.

参考翻译: 疯从门的裂缝中霍呼地刮滤进来。



air whistle 汽笛

alarm whistle 警笛

blow the whistle on 告发(停下来)...

delayed whistle 缓判

final whistle 终场哨声

fog whistle 雾笛

signal whistle 信号风笛

slow whistle 缓判

steam whistle 汽笛

vortex whistle 涡旋哨

whistle blower 揭发者

whistle buoy 鸣哨浮标

whistle controller 笛开关

whistle for 吹哨召唤(休想得到)...

whistle in the dark 假装沉着给自已壮胆...

whistle interference 啸声干扰

whistle lever 汽笛杆

whistle pull 汽笛拉索

whistle signal 汽笛信号

whistle up 召集,召来

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