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下学期 Unit 20 Mainly revision

[03-06 18:57:26]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  高一英语教案   阅读:8844

概要:教学目标知识目标一、教学目标与要求本单元的复习重点是第15至19单元出现的有关语法项目和日常交际用语。通过复习,使学生进一步巩固这些语言知识,增强和提高运用这些语言知识表达的能力。使学生了解到我国古代劳动人民的智慧及纸的发明对世界的影响。并能简述中国两千多年的造纸史。二、教学重点与难点1.重点词汇 development;press;form;include;describe;come out;throw away;at the same time2.重要句型 1)In the beginning they used to carve Chinese characters on stones to record important dates In history.2)It took a long time to carve a page for a book.3)It Is believed that before writing was developed,people in China used to keep records by putting a num

下学期 Unit 20 Mainly revision,标签:人教版高一英语教案,高一英语必修2教案,http://www.51jxk.com


  1.重点词汇 development;press;form;include;describe;come out;throw away;at the same time
  2.重要句型 1)In the beginning they used to carve Chinese characters on stones to record important dates In history.2)It took a long time to carve a page for a book.3)It Is believed that before writing was developed,people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together.



Lesson 77

1.Appoints one or two students to practice a dialog alike this:
  A: What happened before printing was invented?
  B: Other ways had to be used to record information. . . Then divide the whole class into groups of 4 to follow suit.
2. Ask some questions about the modern printing. Then get the students to list the ways of printing in modern times.

Lesson 78 (Oral practice)

  Suppose you were a guide, introduce the development of paper-making in China to foreigners.


  What happened before printing was invented?
  What happened after printing was invented?
  2.教师把有关的早期图片给学生看,讲述造纸的特点:可以掌握以下的句型和单词,如:come out, keep a record,  carve, throw away. 等等


  1. 教师在设计本课的教学过程中,让学生了解中国古代的文明。可参照下列各国纸的制造时间的出现:
  中东  8A.D.
  1.stone, animal bones, metal pots, bamboo, wood
  2.silk books
  3.fibres of plants


  都是围绕着printing这个话题来让学生们学习和了解这方面的知识。对话中主要运用了询问等方面的用语。及有用的词汇如:come out, keep records, back-to-front等用法。课文中同时也运用了It is believed +that clause….The problem was that等同位语从句,动词-ing形式,被动语态, 形容词. +带to不定式”结构的理解。


  What happened?
  In the beginning they…
  But later, people developed…
  How did the printing come out?
  The next development was to…


Part 1   (Paragraph 1) Paper was one of the most important inventions in the whole of Chinese history.
Part 2  Paragraphs 2— 5) How paper was invented and develop.
    (Paragraph 2—3) Chinese people used stones, animal bones, metal pots, and pieces of bamboo or wood to keep records.
   (Paragraph 4) Chinese people made a kind of paper as soft and light as silk but much less expensive.
  (Paragraph 5) The making of paper was well developed; the invention reached other countries.

  The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years. 中国人造纸已经有两千年了。
  此句谓语动词用了现在完成时,其结构是have/ has been+现在分词。
  I’ve been writing a letter. 我一直在写信。(我仍在写信)
  I’ve written a letter. 我写了一封信。(信已写好)
  They have been cleaning the classroom. (这项工作仍在进行)比较:
  They have cleaned the classroom. 他们把教室打扫过了。(这项工作已经完成)


  It is believed that before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together. 据悉,在有文字以前,中国人常把许多石头放在一起来记事。
  1)  本句用的句型是“It is believed + that –clause.”
  “It is believed +that-clause”相当于“People believe+ that-clause”可译作“人们相信/据信……”。类似的结构有:“It is said/ known/ agreed/ thought + that-clause”。例如:
  It is believed that there is plenty of oil off our coast. 据信我国沿海有大量的石油。

www.51jxk.com  It is thought that he (has) made much money by selling cigarettes. 人们认为他靠卖香烟赚了很多钱。
  At the same time another kind of paper was developed, made form silk. 在这一时期,研制了另一种纸,它是用丝帛制成的。
  1)at the same time 作“同时”解。如:
  They went their different ways, but arrived at the same time. 他们走的是不同的路线,但却同时到了。
  2)made from silk过去分词短语作定语,相当于一个非限制性定语从句,which was made from silk修饰主语another kind of paper.
  The problem was that it was too valuable for everyday use. 问题是这些丝织品太贵重,用作日常的书写太昂贵。
  (1)句中的“The problem is that…”是个常用句型,在英语语法中,它被称作“主系表” (主语+连系动词+表语)结构。而其中的表语用了一个从句形式(that-clause)。这类句型的主语往往用下列名词question, reason, result, fact, suggestion等。例如:
  The question is whether we can finish our work by tomorrow evening. 问题在于我们能否在明晚以前完成我们的工作。
  The fact is that he never told me the truth. 事实是,他从未对我讲真话。
  The room is too small for us three. 这房间太小,我们三人住不下。
  说明:“too…to”也表达同一含意。区别是:for +n/ pron.; to+in f.。
  By the first century the making of paper in some parts of China had been well developed and had become common. 到了公元一世纪,中国有些地区造纸业已十分发达并且变得普遍了。
  本句有两个并列谓语,都用了过去完成时态(had been well developed和had become common),表示在过去某一时间之前已经发生的动作。这一过去时间是通过介词by的短语(By the first century)来表示的。又如:
  She had not finished her report by yesterday afternoon. 到昨天下午为止,她还没有写完报告。
  By the end of last week all the plans had been made. 到上周末为止,所有的计划都订出来了。

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