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冀教版六年级英语:Lesson 15 习题

[12-31 17:57:37]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  六年级数学学习   阅读:8141

概要:冀教版六年级英语:Lesson 15 习题一、根据提示写出正确的单词。1、hot(反义词) 2、like(同义词) 3、well(形容词)4、come(过去式) 5、do(过去式) 6、thank you(同义词)7、my(主格形式) 8、outside(反义词)9、there(反义词) 10、woman(复数)二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1、The hat is nice.Put on (they).2、How id the film? It`s (wonder)3、I have many (gift)for you.4、Did you (have) a nice trip?5、Let`s (give) them some apples?三、选择正确的答案。( )1、Where you from? I am from China.A、do B、does C、are D、is( )2、 are you? I`m twelve years old.A、How many B、How much C、How old D、How about( )3、You good Eng

冀教版六年级英语:Lesson 15 习题,标签:六年级数学试题|教案|练习,http://www.51jxk.com

冀教版六年级英语:Lesson 15 习题


1、hot(反义词) 2、like(同义词) 3、well(形容词)

4、come(过去式) 5、do(过去式) 6、thank you(同义词)

7、my(主格形式) 8、outside(反义词)

9、there(反义词) 10、woman(复数)


1、The hat is nice.Put on (they).

2、How id the film? It`s (wonder)

3、I have many (gift)for you.

4、Did you (have) a nice trip?

5、Let`s (give) them some apples?


( )1、Where you from? I am from China.

A、do B、does C、are D、is

( )2、 are you? I`m twelve years old.

A、How many B、How much C、How old D、How about

( )3、You good English.

A、say B、speak C、see D、look

( )4、Li Ming! Time to school.

A、go B、going C、to go D、goes

( )5、 you usually go to school?

A、Is B、Are C、Do D、Does



1、Do you always help your mother? A、Nice to meet you, too,

2、Nice to meet you. B、Three.

3、How may women are there? C、It`s sunny today.

4、Do you like Canada? D、Yes, I do.

5、How`s the weather today? E、Sure.

6、Would you play the piano? F、Yes, it`s great.


1、Let`s sing a new song.

2、Who likes to sing?

2、It`s time to sing.



here(反义词)there tall (反义词)short big(反义词)small

black(反义词)white come(反义词)go this(反义词)that


1.quite 相当 quiet 安静地

2.affect v 影响, 假装 effect n 结果, 影响

3.adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行

4.angel 天使 angle 角度

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