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六年级英语冀教版:Lesson 10 习题

[12-31 17:57:41]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  六年级数学学习   阅读:8853

概要:六年级英语冀教版:Lesson 10 习题一、把问题和答案用线连接起来1、How are you? A、He is seventy-three years old.2、Where is Jim from? B、Yes, I do.3、What`s the name of your city? C、Six days ago.4、When did he go? D、He is from England.5、Do you like the picture? E、Fine, thank you.6、How old is the old man? F、It`s Beijing.二、选择正确的答案( )1、She always Chinese at home.A、says B、speaks C、talks D、talls( )2、Do you live in house or apartment?A、a, an B、the, a C、an, an D、a, the( )3、Kate`s family in China.A、live B、living C、lives D、to l

六年级英语冀教版:Lesson 10 习题,标签:六年级数学试题|教案|练习,http://www.51jxk.com

六年级英语冀教版:Lesson 10 习题


1、How are you? A、He is seventy-three years old.

2、Where is Jim from? B、Yes, I do.

3、What`s the name of your city? C、Six days ago.

4、When did he go? D、He is from England.

5、Do you like the picture? E、Fine, thank you.

6、How old is the old man? F、It`s Beijing.


( )1、She always Chinese at home.

A、says B、speaks C、talks D、talls

( )2、Do you live in house or apartment?

A、a, an B、the, a C、an, an D、a, the

( )3、Kate`s family in China.

A、live B、living C、lives D、to live


1、You speak Japanese(日语)very well.(改为同义句)


3、Nice to see you.(改为同义句)


A:Good morning.


A:My name is Lihong, ?

B:I am Ann.

A:Are you English?

B: , I am American(美国人).

A:Excuse me, ,Ann?

B:It`s 5:00. go to school.

A: Let`s go.



here(反义词)there tall (反义词)short big(反义词)small

black(反义词)white come(反义词)go this(反义词)that


1.quite 相当 quiet 安静地

2.affect v 影响, 假装 effect n 结果, 影响

3.adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行

4.angel 天使 angle 角度

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