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小学四年级英语课文UNIT 2

[12-31 18:02:25]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  四年级英语学习   阅读:8362

概要:小学四年级英语课文UNIT 2Dear Lucy,Thank you for your letter.Happy birthday to you. I am still eight.I will be nine in April.The weather in Beijing isn't cold. It's warm.I've got a new friend too. Her name is Lingling. She's got short, black hair. She's very nice.Here is a photo of Lingling and me.From ,Amy我们根据同学们的学习需要整理了一些小学四年级英语的一些学习资料,希望对同学们有所帮助。

小学四年级英语课文UNIT 2,标签:四年级英语试卷|试题|教案,http://www.51jxk.com

小学四年级英语课文UNIT 2

Dear Lucy,

Thank you for your letter.

Happy birthday to you. I am still eight.

I will be nine in April.

The weather in Beijing isn't cold. It's warm.

I've got a new friend too. Her name is Lingling. She's got short, black hair. She's very nice.

Here is a photo of Lingling and me.

From ,



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