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[12-31 18:02:18]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  五年级英语学习   阅读:8822

概要:www.51jxk.com小学频道为同学们整理了一些小学五年级英语复习资料,希望对同学们有所帮助。小学五年级英语重点 必备句型1.I'm/You're /He's/She's /We're/They're (not) going to swim.2.Are you going to swim?3.Is he/she going to visit Anne?4.What are you going to do?5.What is he going to do?6.When are they going to swim?7.Tomorrow will be rainy.8.I'll stay at home.9.I come to school by bus.10.Your homework is good.11.What time do you get up?12.She always get up early.



小学五年级英语重点 必备句型

1.I'm/You're /He's/She's /We're/They're (not) going to swim.

2.Are you going to swim?

3.Is he/she going to visit Anne?

4.What are you going to do?

5.What is he going to do?

6.When are they going to swim?

7.Tomorrow will be rainy.

8.I'll stay at home.

9.I come to school by bus.

10.Your homework is good.

11.What time do you get up?

12.She always get up early.

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