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[12-31 18:14:24]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  小学英语综合   阅读:8182

概要:Every sportsman should have sportsmanship. When defeated, he should greet his opponent and congratulate him. If he can't, on one will care to be his opponent because he lacks basic decorum and the spirit of a good sportsman. A true sportsman has a generous heart, admits to his loss and does not act with vexation. Learning to have sportsmanship is very important. It doesn't always matter whether one wins or not. What's even more important than results is what you have learne


 Every sportsman should have sportsmanship. When defeated, he should greet his opponent and congratulate him. If he can't, on one will care to be his opponent because he lacks basic decorum and the spirit of a good sportsman. A true sportsman has a generous heart, admits to his loss and does not act with vexation. Learning to have sportsmanship is very important. It doesn't always matter whether one wins or not. What's even more important than results is what you have learned from each competition.


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