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[02-03 16:02:35]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  父亲节的作文   阅读:8550

概要: 【写作说明】根据提示信息,写一张母亲节贺卡。【信息提示】Wang Ping: What day is it tomorrow, do you know?Zhang Hua: Oh, it’s Mother’s Day. It’s on the second Sunday inMay.Wang Ping: What are you going to do on Mother’s Day?Zhang Hua: I’ll help my mother do some cleaning. What aboutyou?Wang Ping: I’ll give her a card.【写作要求】1. 假如你是Wang Ping, 请添写卡片问候你的母亲。2. 格式正确、语句通顺、书写工整、规范。 To: my best mother in the world, Best wishes for Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you f


【写作说明】  根据提示信息,写一张母亲节贺卡。  【信息提示】  Wang Ping: What day is it tomorrow, do you know?  Zhang Hua: Oh, it’s Mother’s Day. It’s on the second Sunday in  May.  Wang Ping: What are you going to do on Mother’s Day?  Zhang Hua: I’ll help my mother do some cleaning. What about  you?  Wang Ping: I’ll give her a card.  【写作要求】  1. 假如你是Wang Ping, 请添写卡片问候你的母亲。  2. 格式正确、语句通顺、书写工整、规范。     To: my best mother in the world,   Best wishes for Mother’s Day!   Happy Mother’s Day!   Thank you for everything, Mum.
Tag:父亲节的作文父亲节英语作文,父亲节的作文节日作文 - 父亲节的作文
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