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[10-16 18:07:40]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  日记作文   阅读:8104

概要: I hear with my ear that a deer is clearly near!cheap chips sell in cheap chip shops.should sheep and fish sit on chairs?A bear without hair does not care what he wears.six sheep skied with skill and speed.wait for the rain to paint a rainbow.say that we may piay today.Grandpa gladly grows great green grapes.


  I hear with my ear that a deer is clearly near!

  cheap chips sell in cheap chip shops.

  should sheep and fish sit on chairs?

  A bear without hair does not care what he wears.

  six sheep skied with skill and speed.

  wait for the rain to paint a rainbow.

  say that we may piay today.

  Grandpa gladly grows great green grapes.

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