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[01-02 15:12:40]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  学习方法   阅读:8201

概要:因为没有语言环境,中国人学英语变得非常幸苦!成千上万的单词,再加上成千上万的语法规则,导致英语这门相对比较简单的语言变成了一代又一代中国人最头痛的问题!疯狂英语的主张很简单:看懂是骗人的,听懂是不够的,说出来才是自己的!疯狂英语鼓励千千万万的英语学习者一定要把做过的考试题脱口而出,一定要努力讲一口流利的英语,顺便考高分!目前,我正在集中精力背诵2009年的全国高考真题。我发现十多年来的高考题考的都是差不多的内容,今天,我为大家奉献一个高考必考的单词:rather!1. fairly or to some degree:王牌例句一:I was rather surprised to see him with his ex-wife.王牌例句二:He was limping rather badly.2 would rather used to say that you would prefer to do or have something: 王牌例句三:I’d rather have a quiet night in front of the TV. 王






  1. fairly or to some degree:

  王牌例句一:I was rather surprised to see him with his ex-wife.

  王牌例句二:He was limping rather badly.

  2 would rather used to say that you would prefer to do or have something:

  王牌例句三:I’d rather have a quiet night in front of the TV.

  王牌例句四:We could eat later if you would rather do that.

  王牌例句五:"I think you’d better ask her." "I’d rather not (=I do not want to)."

  3. would rather ... than ...

  王牌例句六:I’d rather die than apologize to Helen.

  王牌例句七:I’d rather you didn’t go out alone (=I do not want you to go).

  4. rather than instead of:

  王牌例句八:I think you’d call it a lecture rather than a talk.

  王牌例句九:Rather than go straight on to university why not get some work experience first?

  王牌例句十:Bryson decided to quit rather than accept the new rules.

  5 not ... but rather ... used to say that one thing is not true but a different thing is true:

  王牌例句十一:The problem is not their lack of funding, but rather their lack of planning.


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