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[12-31 17:58:42]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  五年级英语学习   阅读:8809

概要:小学五年级英语:阅读训练题阅读理解In England, people don’t usually talk much. You can go on a bus, or a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window. Often they read. They read books and papers, but they don’t talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing---the weather. So when you meet somebody in England, you can say, “Nice weather for the time of year!”“But it was a little cold yesterday.” Somebody may answer, “But it got a b




In England, people don’t usually talk much. You can go on a bus, or a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window. Often they read. They read books and papers, but they don’t talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing---the weather. So when you meet somebody in England, you can say, “Nice weather for the time of year!”

“But it was a little cold yesterday.” Somebody may answer, “But it got a bit warmer later.” You can say.

Talk like this and the English will think, “How friendly you are!”

( ) 1. English people often _____ on a bus.

A. talk muchB.talk littleC.eat somethingD.read papers

( ) 2. When you meet English people, you can talk like this _____.

A. how do you doB. how are you

C. Nice weatherD.Nice to meet you

( ) 3. If you talk with the English people about the weather, they will think _____.

A.you are friendlyB.you are rightC. you are EnglishD.you talk too much

( ) 4. English people always hope the weather will get _____.


( ) 5. Which is right?

A. English people like to talk on a bus.B. English people didn’t enjoy the best weather

C. English people are the most friendlyD. English people don’t talk much.



1. D 解析:本题从第一句就可得出答案

2. C 解析:其实四个选项都是对的,但是出现在阅读完形中就应该根据文中的提示选最符合的选项。文中说到,英国人喜欢讨论天气,所以应该选C。

3. A 解析:本题从文章最后一句可以得出答案。

4. A 解析:文中第二段中只是给出一个讨论天气的例子。在cold的天气里人们希望天气warmer一点,问题中问的是人们通常希望怎么样,应该选泛一点的选项,所以选better.

5. D 解析:本题从第一句可以得到答案。

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