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What’s the matter?

[03-06 18:12:49]   来源:http://www.51jxk.com  初二英语教案   阅读:8132

概要:Unit 2 Whats the matter? 第一课时教学设计 单元 名称 Unit 2 Whats the matter? 课时安排 第一课时 教学 目标 1.能够正确描述身体各部位名称,准确表达身体的种种不适,询问他人身体状况 2.学习完成任务所需要的语言: 词汇:matter, have, cold, have a cold, stomachache, sore, back, arm, ear, eye, foot, feet, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth, teeth, throat 句子: 正确描述身体各部位名称: How many parts of the body can you name? This is my nose/face. These are my eyes/my legs ... 准确表达身体的种种不适 I have a headache. I have a stoma

What’s the matter?,标签:八年级上册英语教案,人教八年级英语教案,http://www.51jxk.com

Unit 2 Whats the matter? 第一课时教学设计
    名称 Unit 2 Whats the matter? 课时安排 第一课时
    目标 1.能够正确描述身体各部位名称,准确表达身体的种种不适,询问他人身体状况
    词汇:matter, have, cold, have a cold, stomachache, sore, back, arm, ear, eye, foot, feet, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth, teeth, throat
    How many parts of the body can you name?
    This is my nose/face.
    These are my eyes/my legs ...
    I have a headache.       I have a stomachache.        I have a toothache.
    I have a sore neck.       I have a sore arm.           I have a sore leg.
    I have a cold.           I have a fever.
    Whats the matter?
    3. 完成课本第7页1a, 1b, 1c的教学任务。
    环节 突出
    教师活动         学生活动
    Lead in
    whats the matter?
    I have a headache
    I have a stomacha-che
    I have a toothache
    I have a sore neck
    I have a sore arm
    I have a sore leg
    I have a cold
    I have a fever 1. T: Im very glad to see you again. Today we are going to learn a new unit – Unit 2 Whats the matter? In this unit we will learn how to talk about your health and how to give advice.
    T: Now lets play a game. Count frogs.
    (展示一幅青蛙的图片, 每轮到一名同学,点击鼠标增加一个青蛙) one by one. Im first.
    One frog has one mouth, two eyes, four legs.
    S1, please. Two frogs.
    S2, please. Three frogs.
    S3, please. Four frogs.
    S4, please. Five frogs.
    S5, please. Six frogs.
    2. Well done! Now lets review the names of the body. How many parts of the body can you name? Please say the parts of the body together.
    所说单词顺序为:body, face, head, mouth, eye, ear, arm, hand, foot, leg, knee, tooth, teeth, foot, feet, neck, throat.
    3. Show pictures of different parts of the body one by one and ask the students to say the words. 所说单词顺序为:head, nose, eye, ear, tooth, neck, stomach, back, leg, arm, foot, throat, mouth, hand
    4. T: Now open your books and turn to page 7. Please look at the picture. Please read the list of body parts.
    T: Good. Now please look at the pictures of the students numbered 1-5. Several body parts are marked with the letters from a to m. Write the correct letter after the name of each body part on the list.
    T: Now stop and lets check the answers. Please read the names of body parts with the letters like this K – arm. Now begin.
    5. Then the teacher acts out an illness.
    T: I have a headache. Repeat. I have a headache.
    T: I have a stomachache. Repeat. I have a stomachache.
    T: S1, Whats the matter?  (老师示意头疼)
    T: S2, Whats the matter?  (老师示意胃疼)
    6. Teach "sore"(用肢体辅助)
    T: I have a sore arm. Repeat. I have a sore back. Repeat.
    7. T: Now listen to the tape. There are conversations about each of these five students. Look at the picture and find the people that are being talked about. Write the number next to them in the picture next to their names. 接下来我们一起听对话,在名字后面标号1-5。You will hear the conversations once. 录音放一遍。

www.51jxk.com    T: S4, can you tell me your answer?
    OK. Has he got the correct answers?
    Lets listen to the tape again. Please repeat after the tape.
    S1: Two frogs have two mouths, four eyes and eight legs.
    S2: Three frogs have three mouths, six eyes and twelve legs.
    S3: Four frogs have four mouths, eight eyes and sixteen legs.
    S4: Five frogs have five mouths, ten eyes and twenty legs.
    S5: Six frogs have six mouths, twelve eyes and twenty-four legs.
    2. Ss: body, face, head, mouth, eye, ear, arm, hand, foot, leg, knee, tooth, teeth, foot, feet, neck, throat.
    3. Ss: head, nose, eye, ear, tooth, neck, stomach, back , leg, arm, foot, throat, mouth, hand
    4. Ss: arm, back, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth
    (学生用书 Section A 1a)
    Ss: k arm, c back, g ear, I eye, m foot, a hand, l head, b leg, f mouth, d neck, j nose, h stomach, e tooth
    Ss: I have a headache.
    Ss: I have a stomachache.
    S1: You have a headache.
    S2: You have a stomachache.
    6. (模仿动作)
    Ss: I have a sore arm. I have a sore back.
    7. Ss listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

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